Monday, February 28, 2011

Evil A

After practice for the play was over Spencer was putting the props away while she made the discovery of a trophy the said Ian Thomas in big letters. It was a trophy for first place in the Hilton Head golf competition and when she examined the trophy more closely she realized there was blood on one of the corners. She freaked out thinking it could have been the weapon Ian used to murder Alison. She showed the rest of the girls and Emily suggested they turn it in to the police immediately and they all agreed. They  turned it in and were all devastated but happy at the same time. They figured that they held the weapon that Ian used to kill Alison in their hands and it made them sad. They were also relieved that they turned it in, they thought the case was over and that they figured it out. They were wrong there was no golf competition at the Hilton Head and the blood was from a rat. A planted it were he/she knew they would find it and in the next episode they are going to be interrogated and questioned about every single event that took place involving Alison's disappearance and murder. I can't wait it is going to be amazing!

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